and we make music
Every song is a story
The best thing about a memory is the element of emotion. That split second of that image you remember from that moment is a screenshot of an emotional switch. Excitement, sadness, love, surprise, frustration, friendship, it’s all there. And sometimes it’s not very clear what happened, you just .. remember. It must have left an impression on you else you would not have remembered it. Now if you would see memories as ingredients for your own inspiration to cook new ones with, wouldn’t it be nice to have shelves full of them?
And that once you have gained a new ingredient, that you make a meal out of it to share with others. That is exactly what Jolly Mangos is about. The adventure is to experience life as our muse and to cook with all it’s experiences to share with others.
So see this as our cooking book in which we share our musical dishes and the stories behind them. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

This piece of text is about how every song is a story.. Pellentesque volutpat at mi at dapibus. Quisque pharetra in est vel tempor. Pellentesque rhoncus lectus nisl, ut vulputate turpis aliquet sed. Suspendisse metus sem, scelerisque et dui vitae, porta lobortis diam. Curabitur rhoncus auctor lacus eu interdum. Maecenas magna ipsum, ultricies vel nulla non, malesuada ullamcorper felis. Duis risus lectus, ultricies ac tellus a, malesuada auctor felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi placerat est est, ac dapibus mi luctus at. Phasellus volutpat sed tellus in ullamcorper.
Coen Gulcher
I am Coen Gulcher. At the age of 11 Coen started playing accordeon in the balkan band of his dad. At this young age he had developed quite some skills and even got to play with Carel Kraayenhof, known from his song Adios Nonio for the Dutch Royal wedding of Maxima and Willem Alexander. in 2009 he had met Sander the guitarist and founded the Jolly Mangos as we know them today.

Alex Vergara
Alex Vergara is a Chilean musician, illustrator, 2Danimator, video and Film director that early in his life fell in love with plastic and musical arts. At the age of 19 moved to Berlin to try his luck. And what a lucky strike having met and joined the Jolly Mangos. His political activism, love for philosophy and visual art, shine through the many layers the band has and get visible in their new album.

Sander kuin
Sander is the lead singer and guitarist of the trio. Born and raised in Amsterdam. He writes most of the songs for the Jolly Mangos. It’s not a matter of sitting down and start writing a song. It doesn’t work like that for him. Melodies are born in the middle of the supermarket. It’s like having to go to the toilet. If you gotta go, you gotta go right? So while reaching out for the Greek yoghurt in the cooling section, a recording decive holds open te glass door. Every little or big event that happens in his life is translated in to melodies. It’s not only the way to write songs for the trio, but
also to express himself. It’s doesn’t always have to makes sense. Maybe the melody just wanted to go out. And that just as satisfying in the end.
Sander is also an industrial product designer. He created the concept packaging for flower giant Bloomon. With this packaging skill in mind, the Jolly Mangos creates their own album designs. A whole different approach on how to present your album!

I WANT TO BE // 2009 – 2014
It has already been quite a while, but Coen and Sander met in 2009 in Austria while working a winter as snowboard instructors. They both brought their instruments and ended up playing music and creating their first songs together.
A few weeks later when they got back, they decided to go to italy to travel as street musicians. It was an exciting and successful trip. The foundation was set for a long music journey together.
Years later, in 2014, the Jolly Mangos recorded their first album with a mix of songs from their first period together. The album is called ‘I want to be’ and dedicated to their Colombian music friend Ramiro.
- Baby delight
- Run Away
- Day
- King of the Road
- I want to be
- Back Home
- Ain’t no sun
- Balloon
- Blue Dress
- Faitful Horizon
- I don’t mind
- Begin begin
Papa whisky
TILL I Drown
In the following 5 years the Jolly Mangos and their music became more serious. A new website, business cards and the first album in the pocket gave them a boost. This resulted in more and more serious gigs. The video project ‘bon ami’ was the kickstart of another video clip project they made for their new hit Papa Whiskey.
The new songs were bound in the album ‘Carousel’, which became a real art project of packaging maestro Sander.
- Papa whiskey
- All my live
- Carousel
- You Are the Universe
- Intensio
- La Scizo
- The Red Letter
- C.M.Y.K.
- Messages
- My Face
- The First
CHUTNEY // 2018 – 2022
Once upon a time in Ruigoord where the Jolly Mangos had a show that Percussionist Alex attended. He was amazed by the music but he missed something important. After the show he went to the Jolly Mangos and said: ‘He guys, I think you need me in your music, can I join you?’ Sander said: ‘Yes why not, we play tomorrow our next show.
And that’s how Alex first time playing with the jolly mangos was at a show in Ruigoord. It was love at first sight and the rest is history.
In this period the Jolly Mangos became a three man show and their music grew into a new danceable level. And then Corona kicked in. This gave the jolly mangos time to focus on their online appearance and the creation of new songs. In the first corona summer 2020 they recorded their new album ‘Chutney’. Every month of 2021 a new song was released and in the meantime the jolly mangos were already making new songs.
- Who Knows
- Home
- Eyes wide open
- Promised Land
- Mariella
- Groundfloor
- Lovers of the night
- Whale
- Between the mountains and the sea
- Self destroy
- Now